Most Maryland residents live within a half-mile of a storm drain, stream or river. Most of those waterways eventually drain into the Chesapeake Bay. What we do to maintain our own landscapes can affect the health of our local waterways (drainage ditches, streams, and rivers), the Chesapeake Bay and our environment. We all need to do our part to take care of our waterways and environment. By changing a few simple landscape practices, you and your family can help keep Maryland communities healthy.
Suzann Barthold
Gail Brooks JoAnn Cook Angela DeLuca Karen Frost |
Cindy Hansen
Paul Heward Paulette Heward Glenna Kidd Lynne Malley |
Jane McClanahan
Sally Moore Paula Moratto Lois Nichols Nancy Percivall |
Rena Pogue
Debbie Risher Diane Smith Doris Smith Pat Stevenson |
Faye Tolliver