AWARDS • Littany Hollerbach Works with the club president to determine club projects that will be submitted for awards. Refers to NGC, CAR-SGC, and FGCMD manuals for guidance in submitting paperwork and documentation for potential awards.
BLUE STAR MEMORIAL •Littany Hollerbach Places a wreath by the Blue Star Memorial marker for Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Christmas to honor the men and women of our community who currently serve or have served in the armed forces. Maintains the garden area semi-annually. CONSERVATION & LEGISLATION •Trish Demers Provides information on any federal or state legislation concerning conservation and encourages members to support it. Monitors county and local community conservation efforts and informs the club as appropriate.
DESIGN EXHIBITS •Sally Moore Schedules four members for monthly meetings to create a specific design style. Discusses each design exhibit according to the Flower Show Handbook.
DEVOTIONS • Karen Frost Provides a devotion at the start of each monthly meeting.
FLOWER SHOWS •Sally Moore and Glenna Kidd Organizes, plans, and writes the flower show schedule. Promotes the education of horticulture and floral designs.
FRIENDS OF TAWES GARDEN •TBD An established group of garden supporters whose mission is to promote, educate, support and encourage the conservation and appreciation of native and cultivated gardening for the benefit of all.
FUNDRAISING •Shirley Levendoski, Paula Moratto and Sandy Robertson In charge of fundraising activities, which is necessary for the club to function and make contributions to the community.
GARDEN THERAPY •C.J. Salisbury Plans and conducts hands-on workshops for residents at local assisted living facilities.
HAMMOND-HARWOOD HOUSE • JoAnn Cook Partners with other District II garden clubs each year to decorate the historic Hammond-Harwood House in Annapolis for the holidays.
HISTORIAN • TBD Compiles and maintains records of club events, including minutes of the various meetings.
HOLIDAY DECORATING •C.J. Salisbury Decorates the community with fresh evergreen wreaths for the holidays.
HORTICULTURE • Nancy Percivall Shares a brief topic at meetings. This may be a short discussion, a quick demonstration, or a gardening-related handout.
HOSPITALITY • Shirley Levendoski Coordinates host/hostesses for meetings and contacts members each month to remind them of their commitments. Ensures that each member participates in hosting meetings.
NOMINATIONS • Sally Moore, Marcia Richard, and Glenna Kidd Prepares a slate of officers to be considered in January, voted on in February, and installed in March of an election year. This committee is chaired by the past three Presidents of the club.
PROJECTS •TBD Researches ideas on new projects for the club. All projects are presented to the Board of Directors for approval.
PUBLICITY •TBD Publicizes upcoming events and club activities that are significant within the community and other garden clubs using all types of media.
SUNSHINE • Rena Pogue Receives information about club members who are ill, injured or otherwise in need of encouragement and sends cards, notes or flowers to those members or their family.
WEBSITE & YEARBOOK •Beverly Frye Oversees the maintenance of the club website. Compiles the necessary information and the production of the yearbook to be distributed to members at the September meeting.