Members met at the Crofton Country Club for our installation luncheon. Following the business meeting Glenna Kidd, member of the Nominating Committee, presented and installed the new slate of officers for 2023-2025. President • Pam Ildefonso First Vice-President • Trish Demers Second Vice-President • Margo Antonelli Recording Secretary • Lois Nichols Corresponding Secretary • Carol Schoenfeld Treasurer • Sue Callahan Parliamentarian • Cathy Gallagher Incoming President Pam Ildefonso was not present and was installed via FaceTime. Following the installation, attendees enjoyed a delightful luncheon and fellowship. Thank you to today's host/hostesses for the lovely table arrangements – Maria Guyer, Margo Antonelli, Littany Hollerbach, Don and Rena Pogue, and Diane Smith. To view photos from the luncheon, scroll over the photo below and use the play button or arrow buttons located at the top of the picture. Comments are closed.