Photo Credit: Jenn Forman Orth The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect that attacks pines, grapes, apples, stone fruits, and other species. This non-native invasive pest was first detected in 2014 in Berks County, Pennsylvania. In October 2018 the Maryland Department of Agriculture confirmed the first sighting of a single adult spotted lanternfly found on a trap in Cecil County. By early 2019, the spotted lanternfly has been detected in multiple Mid-Atlantic States. Both nymphs and adult spotted lanternfly cause damage when they feed, sucking sap from stems and leaves. This can weaken the plant and eventually contribute to the plant's death. If you observe any egg masses or insects that look similar to this, please try to collect them and inform the Maryland Department of Agriculture at (410) 841-5920 or email [email protected] as soon as possible. Please attach photos if sending an email. For additional information and resources, click the button below.
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